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Kola Menaga is a remnant from before the Troll Wars, where the rulers of a [[Wild Elf]] empire attempted a forbidden ritual to increase their [[Sorcery|sorcerous]] powers. This society was far more advanced than others of their kind today, their knowledge and magical technology considered comparable to that of modern [[High Elf|high elves]]. They were expert sorcerers, relying on brute force of will and stamina rather than careful exploration of magic like their cousins. This attempt to become a ruling power by reaching into the darkness backfired, opening a horrible rift into both [[Regions#Pandemonium|Pandemonium]] and [[Regions#Stygia|Stygia]], resulting in the deaths of thousands and the downfall of an empire.  
Kola Menaga is a remnant from before the Troll Wars, where the rulers of a [[Wild Elf]] empire attempted a forbidden ritual to increase their [[Sorcery|sorcerous]] powers. This society was far more advanced than others of their kind today, their knowledge and magical technology considered comparable to that of modern [[High Elf|high elves]]. They were expert sorcerers, relying on brute force of will and stamina rather than careful exploration of magic like their cousins. This attempt to become a ruling power by reaching into the darkness backfired, opening a horrible rift into both [[Regions#Pandemonium|Pandemonium]] and [[Regions#Stygia|Stygia]], resulting in the deaths of thousands and the downfall of their empire.


Revision as of 08:10, 18 April 2019


Kola Menaga is a remnant from before the Troll Wars, where the rulers of a Wild Elf empire attempted a forbidden ritual to increase their sorcerous powers. This society was far more advanced than others of their kind today, their knowledge and magical technology considered comparable to that of modern high elves. They were expert sorcerers, relying on brute force of will and stamina rather than careful exploration of magic like their cousins. This attempt to become a ruling power by reaching into the darkness backfired, opening a horrible rift into both Pandemonium and Stygia, resulting in the deaths of thousands and the downfall of their empire.


Kola Menaga is a large valley in a densely populated and overgrown forest in central Karn. The forest is nearly tropical, with lush undergrowth, dense canopies, and plenty of unique flora and fauna. The valley itself is carved as though with a knife that cut through dimensions as well as land, with Stygian and Pandemonian magics colliding in the middle. At the center resides the former capital of the Wild Elves' empire, a great nameless city-state warped by thousands of years of exposure to planar forces and (as rumor has it) a terrible force bound by the wild elves' final ritual, whose tendrils of power reach ever outwards as it seeks to escape its prison. One of the side effects of the presence of Stygian magic is that demonic forms are incredibly resilient in this place, and virtually impossible to destroy. Powerful demons and even Aspects can travel through the thin area of the Gauntlet here, but find themselves trapped by the wards and unable to leave the valley. Many powerful demons have sensed the dark presence in the rift and avoided entrapment, but tens of thousands of unwary demons and undead have become walled up in this place.

Portions of the city's structures resemble the bone and stone crypts of Stygia, while others resemble the obsidian and iron constructs of Pandemonium. Demons and undead fight and squabble in crumbled streets over remnants of magical artifacts and energies left behind by the Wild Elves. Sorcerer towers and dark temples are prime locations for powerful and charismatic leaders among the sentient Outsiders. These rivalries have organized some demons into loose factions serving various cruel overlords. None of them speak of the nameless force trapped in the heart of Kola Menaga, although some of the greatest Aspects trapped in this place are aware of its origin. Driven mad by their long imprisonment, they are shunned by the other denizens of Kola Menaga.


The culture of many Wild Elves on Karn has become built around maintaining and reinforcing the ward posts around the valley and hunting the demons that manage to escape. The ward posts are not the only bindings wrapped around the valley, in truth they are merely the last line of defense and a warning system for lesser local spirits. The entire valley is at the border of multiple realms, so extraplanar magic such as planar shifting and pocket dimensions will not function properly, resulting in unpredictable effects.

Important Places

Noteworthy NPCs