Hedusa Alpha

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Revision as of 22:22, 2 November 2023 by Kcollins (talk | contribs)
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Image Stats Special Abilities
Health: 10
Vigor: 2
Physical Defense: 5 ( 3 dodge, 2 armor); 1 Damage Reduction
Magical Defense: 0; 2 Magical Damage Reduction
Magic Resistance: 7d10
Attack: 10d10; 15d10 Sneak Attack
Initiative: +1*
Speed: 12

Rank 1: Concussion*

Rank 2: Improved Stealth (10d10)

Rank 3: Pack Tactics**

Rank 3: Improved Tremorsense (11d10)

*Physical attacks deal an additional nonlethal damage on hit.

** As a fast action, enhance an ally attacking the same target, providing +3 to all skill checks to that target for 3 rounds.