Earth Sphere

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Elemental Energy. Dirt, stone, ore, metal, earthquakes, structures, material enhancement Elemental Earth ley lines are in dense nets, holding fast within the substance of the world


Rank 1

Spell Description
Alter Conductivity Make a surface or object conductive, or remove it's conductivity.
Angle Vision Look around corners while staying out of sight.
Earth Staff Enhances a casters staff to deal lethal damage.
Glassteel Turn metal opaque or transparent.
Mage Sight See magical auras.
Stone Ladder While the spell is in effect the caster may push their hands into stone or earth forming perfect handholds and footholds providing a Rank bonus to Climb checks for anybody using them.
Transmute Earth Convert types of earth and stone into other types.

Rank 2

Spell Description
Dust Cloud Create a choking cloud of dust that provides cover and makes it hard to breathe for those inside.
Earth Armor Durable physical defenses.
Earthen Bulwark Readied action that prevents incoming attacks or spells by raising a short lived mass of earth.
Rock Slide Slide on a wave of earth and stone maneuvering over terrain and scaling vertical distance.
Sense Earth Sense the direction and distance of earth, rock, ore, or passage.
Shape Earth Manipulate earth types into basic features and shapes.
Stone Fist Enchants the casters fists to strike with the force of stone.
Stone Shield A swirling shield of stones maintained by magic and gravity.
Spitting Stone Ranged physical attack that throws a dangerous chunk of stone.
Tremorsense Sense movement through surfaces.

Rank 3

Spell Description
Earth Walk Allows the caster to sink into the ground and traverse through earth and solid rock.
Tremor Violently shakes the ground in an area, dealing damage and possibly knocking targets down.
Stone Shackles Stony hands grab a target, holding them in place.
Stone Spike A lethal spike of stone jabs from the ground underneath a target impaling them. Physical attack with scaling Armor Piercing.
Rock Spire A rising spar of stone and earth lifts the caster off the ground, moving them out of reach of melee attackers.
Wall of Stone Raise a durable wall from earth or stone to create a barrier.
Ward Absorbs damage from attacks.

Rank 4

Spell Description
Grasping Earth The ground over a large area becomes the consistency of rapidly drying cement making it almost impossible to move through.
Ground Burst An eruption of earth and stone around a target causes deafness, shrapnel damage, and impairment.
Quicksand Rune A magical rune that activates when stepped on, turning the ground into deadly quicksand.
Sandstorm An Earth/Air spell causes a blinding storm of tiny particles that make it hard to move/see, and cause low but persistent damage over a large area.
Wall of Lava An eruption creates a slow moving wave of lava.

Rank 5

Spell Description
Bottomless Pit The ground opens up to swallow a target if they fail to avoid it, closing over top of them.
Earthquake A cataclysmic earthquake strikes the region causing rents in the ground, collapsing solid structures, and enormous damage to the area.
Increase Gravity Targets in the region are crushed brutally into the ground as their body experiences increasing levels of gravity.
Magma Blast Launch a projectile of magma that bursts and splashes on impact, burning over time.
Obsidian Slivers A deadly hail of razor sharp slivers shreds targets in a wave. Armor is no defense.
Reverse Gravity Targets in the region are flung into the air to the limits of the spell. They may either be held there captive or released from the effect and dropped for lethal damage.