Stealth Skill

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Stealth represents the ability to move silently and hide. Stealth is not magical concealment and does not provide any protections or concealment from magical detection. While stealthed, movement speed is restricted to half of normal speed in order to maintain the stealth. Moving faster is not prevented, but if faster movement is used, stealth is broken.

Stealth is broken on any overt action, such as attacking, casting a spell, talking out loud, and moving too fast. It is up to the Storyteller's discretion what does or does not constitute an overt action. There are a number of abilities which allow specific overt actions to be used without breaking stealth, which overrides this rule for that specific action.

Stealthed characters may have their stealth pierced by an opposed Perception roll greater than the existing Stealth roll. (Ties go to the defender, which is the Stealther).