Rising Charge

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Revision as of 02:24, 1 June 2024 by Kcollins (talk | contribs)
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Required Air Shaman 4
Range Self
Area Variable
Duration Rank x 2 Rounds
Casting Verbal, Somatic
Action Standard
Cost 3 Mana
Effect When the spell is cast, the shaman begins accumulating electrical energy from the environment as she moves. For every 5 yards of movement completed while the spell is active, the caster gains 1 Rising Charge. Rising Charges can be expended as a Fast action to deal Lightning damage equal to the number of Charges consumed and applying Shock to a single target within Rank yards. Up to Rank x 4 charges can be accumulated.

If the maximum number of charges that the shaman can handle is reached, she immediately becomes Overcharged. As soon as she stops moving after becoming Overcharged (or whenever the spell ends), the stored Charges burst outward, dealing Lightning damage equal to the number of charges held to all targets within a radius of Rank yards and applying Shock. The spell lasts for Rank x 2 Rounds.

At Rank 5, the number of charges increases to 2 Rising Charges per 5 yards moved.