Pack Mentality

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Required Wolf Discipline 3
Range Rank x 5 Yards, Sight, Hearing
Target Area 1 Animal
Activation Action Full
Activation Cost 2 Mana
Duration Up to 1 Hour (Ally), 24 Hours (Friend)
Passive Effect The adept gains a +2 Proficiency Bonus to Handle Animal, Ride, and appropriate social skill checks with animals when Commune with Animal is active. This increases to +3 at Rank 5.
Active Effect When cast, the adept works to exert dominance and gain control over a single nearby non-magical creature (of animal intelligence or lower) at or below the adept’s Rank in the Wolf Discipline. With a successful skill check (CHA or WILL + Handle Animal + Wolf Discipline Rank) vs. the animal’s Mental Magic Resistance, the adept convinces it to treat her as though she is one of its own. The creature becomes an Ally for one hour, and may be considered Friendly up to 24 hours. Harming the animal will end this effect, causing it to respond appropriately. Of note, an animal that considers the Adept an Ally or Friend may not feel the same toward the Adept’s other allies.

The adept may have up to Rank number of animals in their Pack simultaneously.