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These hideous creatures have stretched skin over grotesquely deformed bones and brightly glowing eyes. Their hands are long and bony with savage claws and their mouths are filled with needlelike diseased teeth. Ghouls avoid using weapons, preferring to attack with their diseased claws and fangs.

Health: 8
Physical Defense: 4 (dodge)
Magic Defense: 0
Magic Resistance: 7d10
Attack: 6 (Claws or Bite)
Speed: 11
Initiative: +1
Special Qualities:
  • Wear Armor - Ghouls may be equipped with armor granting them a +1 Defense, and shields granting them a +1 Defense.
  • Ghoul Fever - On a successful natural attack roll 10d10 vs. Disease Resist. If Resist fails target suffers -2 to all skill rolls (including attacks and spellcasting checks) for one day. Regardless of how many Ghouls affect a single target, they may only suffer the penalty once. If the target succeeds in resisting, they may not be affected by Ghoul Fever for one day.