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Revision as of 00:14, 14 August 2019

Required Seed: Transform 2
Range Self
Area Self
Duration 1 Hour
Casting Verbal, Somatic
Cast Action Standard
Mana Cost 1
Push +1 Duration
Effect Caster Transforms as a Standard Action gaining +Rank to a Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, or Charisma as enhancement bonus for one hour. In addition to this bonus when taking this power the caster may choose one of the following:
  • Might Boost - While transformed gain Rank charges which may be spent in the following ways:
    • Ignore 1 point of non-lethal damage
    • Stay conscious for 1 round for an additional -1 Health, this improves to -2 at Rank 3, and -3 at Rank 5.
  • Agility Boost - While transformed gain Rank charges which may be spent the following ways:
    • Jump double distance for one round
    • Ignore falling damage for one round as per Adept Safe Fall
    • Ignore movement penalties through threatened squares for 1 round
    • Apply a +Rank bonus towards a non-weapon Dexterity-based skill check
  • Fearful Aura - While the transformed character has a 5 yard +Rank radius aura of fear. Targets in the aura who fail to resist are Shaken. If the affected target is already under the influence of a Fear effect it increases by 1 level. (Shaken to Frightened, Frightened to Panicked) Targets who successfully resist are immune to this effect for 1 Hour.