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| XXXX || XXXX  
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| Enduring Companion || Caster gains a permanent animal familiar. The animal must be a natural creature not a spirit or magical being, and brought to Friendly disposition by either the Animal Ken skill or other means (such as Wolf Discipline powers) before Enduring Companion may be used. 1 Story Point.
| Enduring Companion || Caster gains a permanent animal familiar. The animal must be a natural creature not a spirit or magical being, and brought to Friendly disposition by either the Animal Ken skill or other means (such as Wolf Discipline powers) before Enduring Companion may be used. The animal familiar will move to Ally disposition, and accept commands offered by Animal Ken skill or powers that allow such communication. 1 Story Point.
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Revision as of 11:58, 23 August 2016

Wranglers, survivalists, rangers, outlanders: Adepts of the Wolf attune their bodies to the natural world, becoming so like animals that they can even control them. The Discipline of the Wolf offers lines in Resilience (Self Healing), Animal Traits, Animal Control, and Outlander Fighting. Adepts of the Wolf may choose prowess in Might, Toughness, and Healing.

Rank 1

Second Wind Heals Rank x 2 non-lethal damage as a Fast Action. This may be used once per day.
Animal Senses Choose Search or Perception, and gain a +2 Enhancement bonus to skills checks of your selected skill. This bonus increases to +3 at Rank 5.
Commune with Animal Communicate with any natural animal. The Storyteller may require an appropriate social skill check to be successful against hostile animals. Communication is accomplished in the animal's language. Animals can communicate clearly what they do understand. Anything that they don't understand would be vague or muddled at best.
Outlander Fighting XXXX

Rank 2

Adrenaline Surge Ignore Rank wound & fatigue penalties for 10 rounds. You may stay conscious for an additional -1 Health. This improves to -2 at Rank 3, and -3 at Rank 5. After the duration expires you suffer a -2 Fatigue penalty until you take a long rest. 1 Mana
Sense Prey Passive: Detect the presence, direction, and approximate distance of targets within 50 yards x Rank. This allows you to sense the type of creature but not the Rank. The Storyteller may permit a more precise judgement of specific creature within the type.
Active: Attune your Animal Senses to a specific scent detected, allowing you to track that scent as if a critical success was rolled. This does not overcome natural scent barriers. 1 Mana, lasts 1hr, may be refreshed.
Affect Animal Calm or enrage a target animal of Rank or lower through verbal and body language communication. If you enrage the animal, you can not direct it's rage at a specific target, however it will not turn that rage against you. 1 Mana
Darting Attack Make a move action followed by an attack. If the attack is successful, you may move a number of yards equal to the successes to a maximum of half your movement (rounded down). This maneuver may be combined with manuevers from weapon styles, but may not be combined with a Charge. 1 Mana

Rank 3

Fast Healing Passive: You heal at double the normal natural rate. You regain 2 Lethal with a night of rest and 2 Non-Lethal every 15 minutes. A successful Medicine check grants 2 additional Lethal with a night of rest instead of 1.

Active: If you have been incapacitated and are bound, you may return to 1 Health instead of 0. 2 Mana.

Danger Sense Passive: Gain a +2 bonus to Perception to detect an Ambush or Sneak Attack.

Active: Ignore Rank dodge reduction for one round. (Ex. Viper Strike, Steady Shot, Quicksilver weapons, or dodge reduction due to multiple attacks in a round) 2 Mana.

Command Animal Exert mental control over an animal of Rank or lower. The animal becomes as a controllable pet for Rank rounds. Communication must still be through sight of your physical body language and hearing your verbal commands. 2 Mana
Slowing Strike Hamstring style strike that reduces the targets movement speed.

Rank 4

Animal Trait XXXX
Outlander Fighting XXXX

Rank 5

Enduring Companion Caster gains a permanent animal familiar. The animal must be a natural creature not a spirit or magical being, and brought to Friendly disposition by either the Animal Ken skill or other means (such as Wolf Discipline powers) before Enduring Companion may be used. The animal familiar will move to Ally disposition, and accept commands offered by Animal Ken skill or powers that allow such communication. 1 Story Point.
Outlander Fighting XXXX