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| [[Death Ward]] || Prevent death magic.
| [[Death Ward]] || Prevent death magic.
| [[Blood Boil]] || A Life/Fire spell that burns the target with their own blood.

Revision as of 15:26, 2 May 2018


Life Energy. Healing, growth, creation, rejuvenation, body Life ley lines are in intricate lattices, woven through every living being


Rank 1

Spell Description
Cleanse Opposed roll vs. a single poison or disease. 1 mana per rank of the targeted effect.
Life Trance Caster falls into a trance gaining insight into a target’s state.
Sense Life Detection spell capable of sensing the duration, number, and strength of nearby life forms.
Mage Sight See magic auras.
Plant Lore Gain an instant knowledge of an observed plant including medicinal or poisonous properties.
Sustain Ignore fatigue and hunger penalties for the duration of the spell. The longer this spell is used the more costly.
Low-Light Vision Gain Low-Light Vision. If your race already has this, double the effective range.
Feign Death Fake the symptoms of death, at higher levels cast this on willing targets.
Flash Heal Heals a single target for 1 lethal damage. At Rank 5 the healing increases to 2 lethal.

Rank 2

Spell Description
Self Healing Heal yourself for Intelligence + Magecraft + Life Sphere dice.
Life Armor Gain resistance bonuses.
Pheromone Control Make yourself almost irresistible influencing social actions.
Control Beast Use instinctive triggers to control beasts basic actions such as fight/flight.
Pass Without Trace Leave no tracks or scent behind.
Enhance Poison Poison is more effective, acting quickly and gaining potency.
Control Plants Control nearby plants to restrain or attack targets, or grant bonuses to movement.

Rank 3

Spell Description
Purify Improved Cleanse that rolls against each poison/disease on the target.
Heal Flood a target with adrenaline giving them a massive boost for a time.
Poison Inflict poison on a target.
Haste Increased speed and initiative.
Control Body Influence a target’s body, causing autonomic actions, or paralyzation.
Physical Enhancement Grant an enhancement bonus to choice of physical stats.
Animal Minion Through a combination of Animal Ken, and instinctive triggers you gain a powerful familiar.
Death Ward Prevent death magic.

Rank 4

Spell Description
Mass Physical Enhancement Physical enhancement for multiple allies.
Mass Heal Healing for multiple allies.
Plant Wall A living wall of vines and thick plants.
Cure Addiction Reduce or eliminate drug or alcohol addictions.
Speed Growth Create living plants rapidly in an area.
Contagion Virulent disease that spreads on contact.

Rank 5

Spell Description
Plant Form Gain aspects of plants, physical enhancements, and rapid healing.
Regenerate Grant a single target 1 lethal / round regeneration for 1 hour.
Panacea A complete cleanse and heal of a target that will always succeed.
Greater Heal Heals a target for Intelligence + Magecraft + Life Sphere dice + 5 lethal healing.
Drain Life Damage the target, transfering life energy to the caster.