Drain Vigor: Difference between revisions

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Line 11: Line 11:
   | Casting ||  Verbal, Somatic
   | Casting ||  Verbal, Somatic
   | Cast Action ||  Standard
   | Cast Action ||  ???
   | Mana Cost ||  2
   | Mana Cost ||  2

Revision as of 21:03, 5 September 2019

Required Seed: Drain 1
Range Special
Area Special
Duration Instant
Casting Verbal, Somatic
Cast Action ???
Mana Cost 2
Push +1 Potency
Defense Magical Resistance
Effect Apply to a successful physical attack or spell. If target fails a Magic Resist, they lose 1 Vigor and the caster gains 1 Vigor. At Rank 3 the target loses an additional 1 Vigor; at Rank 5 the caster gains an additional 1 Vigor.