Winter Woodsman

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These cold and cruel mounted combatants are widely considered to be perhaps the most terrible that Unseelie has to offer. Indiscriminately vicious, they have served a vital role on the battlefields of Arcadia throughout history. Winter Knights have also been known to participate in Wild Hunts, wherein they run down and kill lesser Arcadians for sport. Ranged weaponry and Fear Auras have served them well.
Image Stats Special Abilities
Health: 11
Vigor: 4
Physical Defense:  4 (2 dodge, 2 armor); 1 Damage Reduction
Magical Defense: 3; 1 Magical Damage Reduction
Magic Resistance: 7d10
Attack: 14d10 +2 Armor Piercing, + Frost
 Steady Shot: 14d10; +2 Armor Piercing, + 4 Ignore Dodge, + Frost
 Piercing Shot: 12d10 + Frost; See Fighting Style for rules. 
 Shot on the Run: 14d10 + 2 Armor Piercing + Frost; may move before and after attack.
Initiative: +2
Speed: 16

Rank 1: Attacks apply Frost

Rank 2: Mounted Combat

Rank 3: Improved Fear Aura (12d10, 9 yd radius)

Rank 4: Fighting Style: Archery, Longbow

Rank 4: Improved Planar Link (12d10)