Lion Mothling, Worker

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Living deep in the Arcadian Forests, these creatures have a symbiotic relationship with the plants around them, serving as pollinators while they gather nectar from various magical flora. Over time, they are able to take on some characteristics of the plants that they pollinate and gain the ability to use them against would-be predators.

Mothlings such as these most often live in colonies, with each mothling covering different ranges of the colony’s territory. This results in mothling communities with a wide variety of poisonous abilities living together and fighting off their enemies.

Image Stats Special Qualities
Health: 3
Vigor: 2
Physical Defense: 3 (1 dodge, 1 armor, 1 Size)
Magical Defense: 1; 1 DR
Resistance: 7
Attack: 4d10
Initiative: +2
Speed: 13 (Flight), 6 (Land)
  • Small Size
  • Flight
  • Poison Pollen*

*These creatures are often found with their fluffy tails full of poisonous compounds from their natural environments. On a successful hit, they apply the poison to a target. As a general rule a Worker Lion Mothling arrives with a random Rank 1 Poison when Summoned.