Summon Outsider

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Required Seed: Summon 2
Range Self
Area Special
Duration 24 hours/1 day
Casting Verbal, Somatic
Cast Action Special
Mana Cost 1
Push +1 Rank (2 Pushes) (+2 to Outsider’s roll per push), +1 Dice, +1 Duration
Effect Each Rank of Seed Summon allows the caster to learn 1 type of Outsider to summon for that rank.

The caster performs a 10-minute ritual to summon and bind a chosen Outsider to their will. This ritual includes the preparation of a summoning circle in an open space at least 8 yards wide. The ritual draws on the planar energy and forms a bridge between the caster's chosen Sorcery plane, and calls a chosen outsider to the current plane. The outsider chosen may have a rank of the caster's Summon rank or lower, plus any relevant pushing. The caster makes an opposed roll vs the outsider's Rank x 2 to bind the outsider to their will.

If the binding is not successful, the outsider may return across the bridge to the source plane, or may remain in the plane it was drawn to. IF the outsider remains in the circle, it may return across the bridge for as long as the caster is alive, however the bridge collapses if the caster is killed. If the outsider is successful in killing the summoner, it may make an instant free action to ride the collapsing bridge back to the plane it was drawn from. Failure to exercise this option leaves the outsider trapped in the current plane until killed or banished.

If the binding is successful, the outsider is placed under the control of the caster for the duration of the spell, and the bridge becomes maintained and mobile with the caster. The outsider may be dismissed or manifested across the bridge as a Fast Action. If a dismissed outsider is manifested, that outsider may not act until the following round due to the time needed to adjust to their surroundings. When the spell duration expires, the outsider is sent back across the bridge to the plane it was drawn from, then the bridge collapses and the bindings are removed. If the caster is killed with the outsider dismissed, the bridge is gone and the outsider may not return. If the caster is killed with the outsider manifested, it may choose to follow the bridge back as a free action. Failure to exercise this option leaves the outsider trapped in the current plane until killed or banished.

A maximum of Rank Outsiders may be bound at one time.