Summon Mount

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Revision as of 17:18, 11 April 2020 by Rdant (talk | contribs)
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Required Valor Domain 1
Range Line of Sight
Area Rank x 5 Yards
Duration 24 Hour (or until mount is killed or dismissed)
Casting Verbal, Somatic
Cast Action Full Action
Cost Free
Effect When first cast, the caster chooses an appropriately thematic and Storyteller approved magical construct as their mount. This is a permanent choice. Every subsequent cast summons the construct from the Gauntlet to a point of the caster's choosing as long as there are no barriers of any kind between the caster and that point. The mount may be mounted as part of this action if the caster summons the mount to an immediately adjacent location. The caster may dismiss the mount as a Move Action, and it will return to the Gauntlet. If the mount is killed, it returns to the Gauntlet and may not be re-summoned for 1 day.