Healing Link

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Revision as of 21:28, 30 July 2020 by Adant (talk | contribs)
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Rank Required Healing Domain 2
Range 10 yards x Rank
Area 1 target
Duration 24 Hours
Casting Verbal, Somatic
Mana Cost 1 mana
Effect The channeler forms a link with a chosen target that grants insight into the target’s state, including the severity of any wounds, presence of any poisons, disease, or magical debuffs. The Channeler gains a +2 bonus to Medicine checks to assist the affected target. Additionally, any time the channeler heals the target, they regain 1 Mana. A maximum of 1 Mana may be regained per turn, regardless of the number of sources of healing, and no more than Rank x 2 Mana total may be recovered per day. The spell may only be placed on one target at a time, and may not be placed on the channeler. Leaving the channeler's range negates the benefits of the spell, however, this does not break the link and its effects will resume when the target is within range once more.