Death Ward

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Revision as of 15:47, 19 August 2020 by Adant (talk | contribs)
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Required Seed: Slay 3, Seed: Ward 2
Duration 1 Hour
Cost Ward Cost +1 Mana
Effect Wards generated by the caster may be modified to count as Health for the purposes of death magic such as Slay. Doing so increases the cost of the Ward spell by 1 Mana. The caster may only maintain wards on a number of targets equal to Rank.

Example: Hruldor is badly injured, and down to 3 remaining Health. His opponent is preparing to finish him with a Slay Living spell, but on his turn Hruldor casts Mass Ward augmented with Death Ward on his party, pushing for a total of 8 Ward. Normally death magic such as Slay Living ignores Ward when calculating Health, but now the opponent needs to roll 11 successes to succeed on Slay Living instead of 3.