Twist Form

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Revision as of 11:29, 24 August 2020 by Adant (talk | contribs)
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Favored Seed: Sorcerers with a Chosen Plane of The Outer Wild gain +1d10 on cast rolls for this spell.

Required Seed: Transform 3, Seed: Compel 2
Range 10 yards x Rank
Area 1 Target
Duration 3 rounds
Casting Verbal, Somatic
Cast Action Standard
Cost 2 Mana
Push +1d10 to cast roll per push
Defense Magic Resistance
Effect Caster attempts to mutilate an unwilling target, causing Rank lethal damage, and overwhelming the target with pain causing a penalty to all skill rolls. The round the transformation occurs the penalty is -6. Each round afterwards the penalties are reduced by 2 until they reach 0 at which time the spell ends. Twist Form can be recast on the same target, dealing the damage again, and resetting the penalty.