Improved Background
Improved Background
Improved Background offers options for a starting character to have a history of involvement with an organization, financial resources, or improved equipment. This benefit may only be taken at Character Creation. Rank 1 grants 2 points among Status, Fame, Income, Equipment, or Language with a 1 Rank maximum. Rank 2 grants 2 additional points among the listed benefits with a 2 Rank maximum.
Players choosing that the Sorcery Source in the Free Cities must take Improved Background 1 with one of the points spent on Status (The Black). The remaining point may be spent on Fame, Income, Equipment, Language as normal, or in Robes of The Black.
Status grants standing in an Organization or group. Status may be used to influence people (Diplomacy/Intimidate/Leadership/Business) or Gather Information, gaining Rank dice on applicable skill checks. Improved Background points may be spent in multiple Organizations if desired. Each Organization will have unique benefits which are listed in the Campaign Guide.
Fame (or Infamy) functions similarly to Status granting bonuses to Social skills equal to Rank in the benefit where applicable. The higher the Rank of Fame, the more widespread the rumors or legends of the character. The social bonuses are applicable wherever the character has been heard of.
Income provides a starting player with higher initial gold, which may be spent on better Starting Equipment, and a stipend they receive monthly. This income may represent a royalties, allowance, or inheritance, but generally offer the ability to have a character who is more well off financially than other starting characters.
- Rank 1: +150 Initial Gold / 30 Gold Monthly stipend
- Rank 2: +400 Initial Gold / 70 Gold Monthly stipend
Heirloom provides a starting player with a high quality weapon or set of armor in addition to their normal Starting Equipment.
- Rank 1: Choose either an additional weapon (martial or exotic) or suit of armor (medium or heavy).
- Rank 2: The chosen weapon or armor is constructed from a special material (e.g. ironwood, quicksilver, or adamantine).
Language is treated as if the player is purchasing the Language benefit at the same rank. However, points spent through Improved Background at Character Creation are not subject to the Int requirement of the Language benefit.
Robes of The Black These finely constructed plain black robes are instantly recognizable as they epitomize The Black, and are in fact the origination of the guild's name. These robes may not be taken with Improved Background in other regions.
- The robes grant 3 Armor which is Immune to natural Armor Piercing.