Control Body

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Revision as of 01:14, 9 January 2021 by Kcollins (talk | contribs)
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Required Life Sphere 3
Range Rank x 10 yards
Target Area 1 Target
Duration 2 Rounds
Casting Verbal, Somatic
Cast Action Standard
Cost 2 Mana
Effect On a successful Casting roll vs. a target’s Magic Resistance, the mage is able to influence its actions for the next 2 rounds. Each time the target goes to take its turn, the mage may direct it to attack the nearest possible target, flee, freeze in place, or experience a specific autonomic reaction (such as vomiting, bowel movement, orgasm, etc.). Each subsequent time that the directive is changed, the creature gains another chance to Resist. At Rank 5, the duration of this spell increases by 1 Round.

This spell does not affect undead, which are animated by magic rather than biologic functions.