Sense Enemy

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Required Wrath Domain: Vengeance 2
Range 100 yard radius
Target Area Centered on caster
Duration Concentration
Casting Verbal, Somatic
Cast Action Standard
Mana Cost 1 Mana
Effect The Sense Enemy spell allows the caster to sense the general direction, distance, and power (relative to the caster) of any being that is considered a Sworn Enemy or Chosen Foe within range. This spell also allows her to distinguish which type of Sworn Enemy is being sensed, if applicable. Targets make a resistance roll vs. the spell's casting roll to avoid detection. This resistance is passive and does not confer an awareness of the spell to the target, even if they resist successfully.The channeler also gains +1 to Sense Motive checks while active. This increases to +2 at Rank 3, and then to +3 at Rank 5.