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Revision as of 15:41, 26 October 2023 by Kcollins (talk | contribs)
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These chipper, pudgy avians resemble large songbirds. Social beings, they have a long racial history as historians and translators among myriad Arcadian races, in part due to an inclination for use of the spoken and written word. They have a unique love of poetry and wordplay.
Image Stats Special Abilities
Health: 6 
Vigor: 0
Physical Defense: 2 (1 dodge, 1 armor); +1 dodge while airborne
Magical Defense: 1
Magic Resistance: 11d10
Attack:  5
Initiative: +0
Speed: 10 (Flight)

Rank 1: Avid Flier*

Rank 1: Comprehend Languages

*Gains Flight, and +1 dodge while airborne