Water Shaman

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Spirit Bonuses

Rank 1

Imbue Bonus OR Manifest
At will the Imbued item glows brightly shedding light as a torch. 1/day as a free action the imbued item can gain the Frost effect for 1 round. Small Water Spirit


Spell Description
Breathe Water Caster allows a single creature to breathe water for a 1 hour duration. This requires no mana, but needs a 1 minute ritual to prepare.
Purity Remove any contaminants from a contained water source to render it clean drinking water. This includes poisons, diseases, excess minerals, earthy substances, etc... This also prepares water for use in elixir creation.
Fog Dense fog obstructs line of sight

Rank 2

Imbue Bonus OR Manifest
Imbued item gains a +1 Enhancement bonus. This bonus improves to +2 at Rank 3, and +3 at Rank 5. Medium Water Spirit


Spell Description
Winter Freeze Freezes liquid water in radius around caster, extending vertically rank+1 inches higher and lower than the caster's body. The flat upper and lower limits creates a smooth surface of ice to walk on if the caster walks from land onto water, even on flowing rivers or tossing surf. Weight able to support is directly related to thickness of the ice. Ice melts naturally after rank rounds once it leaves the area of effect. The ice is slippery making travel across it cost an additional +1 speed for each yard traveled, however the caster is immune to this effect.
Elixir of a Rejuvenating Spirit Infuse a flask of pure water with a water spirit to provide healing properties. Provides Rank +2 doses, each dose providing 1 non-lethal rejuvenation if consumed 1 dose at a time. If 2 or more doses are consumed, the shock of the excess reduces the total effect by half (round down), and no other non-lethal healing is effective for 2 rounds. Elixir loses 1 dose every 24 hour increment after creation. 1 minute ritual, 2 mana.

Rank 3

Imbue Bonus OR Manifest
Imbued item gains the Frost effect. Large Water Spirit


Spell Description
Frost Aura Surrounds the caster with frozen air.
Elixir of a Healing Spirit Infuse a flask of pure water with a water spirit to provide healing properties. Provides Rank doses, each dose providing 1 lethal healing if consumed 1 dose at a time. If 2 or more doses are consumed, the shock of the excess reduces the total effect by half (round down), and no other healing is effective for 2 rounds. Elixir loses 1 dose every 24 hour increment after creation. 1 minute ritual, 3 mana.

Rank 4

Imbue Bonus OR Manifest
Frost bursts in a 2 yard radius applying the Frost effect. This effect may only occur once per round. Huge Water Spirit


Spell Description
Hold back the River Ritual that compels river water spirits to dam up the river across a Rank x 10 yard gap, rank x10 yards high. If this is bounded by objects or terrain to complete a dam, water will pile behind it and begin filling like a reservoir, eventually cresting when appropriate. If this is not bounded to create a dam, the river may be redirected or overflow spillage to the sides well outside it's normal banks. A dam created in this fashion can support the weight of all of the water it is holding back, but is not otherwise an obstacle other than would normally be created by an air to water transition.
Elixir of a Quickening Spirit Infuse a flask of pure water with a water spirit to provide haste properties. Provides Rank doses, each dose providing +1 speed, +1 initiative for Rank rounds. If 2 or more doses are consumed, the shock of the excess reduces the total duration by half (round down), and when the effect expires, the user suffers -1 speed and -1 initiative for the remainder of the original duration. Elixir loses 1 dose every 24 hour increment after creation. 1 minute ritual, 3 mana.

Rank 5

Imbue Bonus OR Manifest
Frost burst deals Rank damage in addition to the Frost effect. This damage is affected by magic defense, but may not be reduced below 1 die. This burst does not hit the primary target. This effect may only occur once per round. Greater Water Spirit


Spell Description
Elixir of a Heroic Spirit Infuse a flask of pure water with a water spirit to provide heroism properties. Provides Rank doses, each dose providing +1 divine bonus on their next action and allowing them to ignore 1 wound or fatigue penalty for the remainder of the encounter. The penalty reduction effect stacks with itself and other heroism effects to a maximum of Rank. If 2 or more doses are consumed, the shock of the excess reduces the duration of the penalty reduction to Rank rounds, and when the effect expires the consumer suffers a -1 penalty to all actions for the remainder of the encounter. Elixir loses 1 dose every 24 hour increment after creation. 1 minute ritual, 4 mana.