Languages of Lorithandar

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Many languages are spoken throughout Lorithandar.

Common Languages

Each of the races has a language that sets them apart from the others. Some have various dialects unique to a specific region or societal faction. More information on each race's native language and history may be found on each race's page.

Other Languages


Due to the presence of magic and circumstances of its colonization, Lorithandar has a lot of contact with adjacent planes of existence. As such, it may be beneficial or even necessary for the Fated to know one of the planar languages.


Adapted from the now-dead language of the realm Mechanus, Arcadian is perhaps the most graceful of the planar tongues. It is a gendered language primarily spoken by the Seelie and Fae, though each has a distinctly different “accent”. Arcadian tends to sound more quiet and fluid when spoken by Seelie than by Fae. It is a very nuanced language, and a simple change in tone may be used to convey layers upon layers of meaning.


A dialect of Arcadian unique to the Seelie courts.


A dialect of Arcadian unique to the Unseelie courts.


The primary language in Aaru is derivative of Arcadian, however it was adapted to suit the neurotically structured citizens of the realm of Angels. Organized word and tonal patterns are threaded together to form sentences with specific meaning. There are, of course, many exceptions to the various rules of Aaru's grammar, which makes it a challenging language to learn. Those who speak Aaru tend to be sticklers for formality and proper phrasing, as a single misplaced word can result in a drastic misunderstanding. Never say anything to an Angel in Aaru unless you’re absolutely certain it means what you think it means.


Pandemonian, the tongue most common in Pandemonium is also derived from Arcadian. It was adapted by creatures with odd mouths not suited to speak Arcadian to include entirely new vocabulary, in part due to their inability to replicate the expressive tonal changes of classical Arcadian. The words tend to be sharp and abrupt, with hard stops and guttural growls worked in. Those who speak Pandemonian tend to be abrupt and straightforward in their speech patterns, as little else would occur to them. The mere sound of Pandemonian being spoken may seem intimidating to those unfamiliar with it.


The language of Stygia is entirely unique from the other planar languages, as it was developed entirely separate from them. The Stygian tongue is comprised of rasping vowels and soft, sibilant consonants. One unfamiliar with the language might think they’re hearing the beings engaged in conversation simply hissing eerily at one another, but this is usually not the case.
