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Svaald are an ice-dwelling, blue-skinned race with voluminous manes of white hair. They tend to be shorter than the average human, with comparatively long arms for their height. Svaaldi skin tones from that of a deep ocean blue to a lighter sky blue; their eyes eyes often resemble smoothly polished gems and come in many colors. They have very broad shoulders and hips with rippling muscles.

Racial Modifiers

  • Favored Source: Shamanism, Adept
  • Favored Stat: Constitution
  • +8 Speed
  • +5 Health
  • +7 Resistance
  • +1 Base Survival
  • +1 Base Shamanism OR Choice of Weapon Skill
  • Svaald are immune to natural and magical cold equal to their Rank in Magic


The Svaald are a proud race that value honor, loyalty, and duty to clan. As a result duels are not uncommon. Despite this they tend to be quite pragmatic thanks to the nature of their creation and the harsh and unforgiving environs they inhabit. But perhaps because of this, all Svaald value beauty and art. Artisans are revered and this was demonstrated during the Second God War when a clan of artisans, Tapeesa, was protected by other clans and not expected to join the fight.


Other races have a tendency to underestimate/look down upon the Svaald and view them as little more than unenlightened barbarians. This is exacerbated by several factors: how the Svaald, by necessity, dress when in warmer climates; the fact that they value wood over than gems or quicksilver; and that Svaald is broken up into city-states of different clans rather than being a united country. Their refusal to worship any of the Blessed Gods can another source of friction. The Svaald trade with Surriloth and Dakor. Merchant caravans that come into the wastes are escorted by Svaald guides.

Between the clans the political landscape is always shifting, with each clan looking for opportunities to get a leg up on the others. Skirmishes between clans are common as rivalries and feuds tend to be longstanding and not lightly put aside. Alliances are frequently made, or at least cemented by arranged marriages between the children of clan leaders.


The Svaald have always had a history of worshiping totem and ancestral spirits, though at one time they did also follow the Blessed Gods and produced many a powerful Channeler. However, the devastation of the second God War left them angry and bitter, and as a culture they began to turn away from the Blessed Gods until no Svaald would even consider worshiping one. Their prior predisposition toward producing channelers has been bred out of the population over time. In the present day, Svaald harbor a deeply ingrained dislike of the Blessed Gods and are unapologetic in their refusal to worship them.


The Svaald were created by the Blessed Gods during the tail end of the Elari War to be ground troops. During this time, it was still not uncommon for a Svaald to follow one of the Blessed Gods. Despite the ultimate victory of the Blessed Gods and their armies in the God War the Svaald were disillusioned and bitter. Years of fighting a losing battle against a race that had been created by Kao to be the quintessential warrior took its toll on the Svaald. This began their shift as culture away from worshiping any of the Blessed Gods. It took some time but as the prevailing sentiment turned more and more against the gods, those who still followed one of the ten found themselves less than welcome, even amongst kin. It was a rare clan that did not have some level of contention on this issue though some managed to navigate these treacherous waters more skillfully than others and kept outright fighting from breaking out. But more than one clan was split apart as the dissension degenerated into clashes between the factions. Some clans even went so far as to banish Svaald who continued to worship the Blessed Gods.

The Svaald had bound the white dragon god, Isanar, who was the source of all adept powers but his location in the wastes has been lost.

Region & Society

The Svaald live in the area known as the Northern Wastes. They share a border with Surriloth, "city of the gods." While Svaald will travel outside the wastes, it becomes increasingly unpleasant for them the further south they go. Their lack of sweat glands mean that summers in the southernmost regions can actually be deadly to the Svaald, who feel most comfortable at below freezing temperatures. As a result those who travel south wear progressively less clothing as they go. Even before the temperatures become deadly Svaald may suffer fatigue or other penalties to skill rolls, particularly with strenuous activities.

There are Svaald on the lost continent in Vicisi. Their society has not altered much from the Svaald who live on the main continent. The main difference being that the Svaald in Vicisi are somewhat more adapted to warmer climates since there is nothing comparable to the wastes there.

To the Svaald, family and clan are everything. Those without a clan, whether through exile or the destruction of their clan, are looked down upon. The amount of dislike for the clanless varies widely among the clans, ranging from condescending pity to severe disgust. Fighting prowess and magical power are highly valued in Svaald society. While they are both Adepts and Shaman, those in positions of power within the clans are almost always Shaman.

Svaald fall in love quickly and engagements are of short duration. Once betrothed it is not frowned upon for the couple to engage in sexual activity and for a woman to be with child at her wedding is not remarkable. However, it is almost unthinkable to break off an engagement and would not be considered except in extreme circumstances. Marriages are frequently arranged for the children of the clan chiefs.

Svaald can interbreed with both humans and elves. Such unions are rare and finding the resulting children in Svaald is even more rare as not all of them will inherit the Svaald parent's resistance to cold.

Clan leadership is passed down from parent to child and is not restricted by gender. Each clan has a Sangilak, who is their greatest warrior. Most Sangilaks will probably be heavy fighters simply because that is the fighting style that they as a race favor. That being said, there have been a number of Sangilaks that achieved this through cunning and intelligence rather than being able to bash things into the ground. The position is not restricted by gender though male is going to be the predominant gender again because of the fighting styles they prefer and that favors male Svaald.

Pre Second God War Clans

Post Second God War Clans

Modern Clans


The Svaald language is based on the Inuit languages. Below are some set terms.

  • Nukilik: a hunter of the Svaald
  • Illiivat: chief shaman of the Svaald "person who is learning something"
  • Ek Chua: Chief spirit of merchants
  • Keelut: evil spirit with appearance of a dog/wolf
  • Sangilak: "Strongest of all" (great warrior / hunter among the Svaald)
  • Piktaungitok Tartok: "Evil without light" (A named black dragon)
  • Tonrar: devil; ghost/spirit
  • Torngasak: good spirit/soul

Here are a couple of links to translation and dictionary websites that you may find useful. (This one is the easiest to find what you need...when it is working. Frequently you can't use the search feature and only the browse by letter or category options will be available.)


  • Male Names: Adlartok, Aglakti, Eska, Hanta, Ikiaq, Qannik, Unnuk
  • Female Names: Aguta, Aujaq, Miki, Nuniq, Osha, Sesi, Yuka

These resources may be useful when choosing a Svaald name:


The Svaald traditionally favor spears and axes though swords are not uncommon in the present day. One of their unique weapons is the Ice Axe which doubles as a climbing tool with a sharp metal spike on the back. As wood is an extremely precious commodity in Svaald, any weapon that would normally involve the use of wood is made out of steel or quicksilver instead. This, in addition to the sub-zero temperatures which freeze and break gut strings, makes archery virtually impossible in the Northern Wastes. Use of bows and crossbows is not completely unheard of when travelling in the warmer lands of the other races but would be considered unusual.

Quicksilver is plentiful in Svaald and so its use in armor and weaponry is far more common than in human lands.

Magic & Lore

The white dragon god, Isanar, is frozen in the wastes of the Svaald lands. He is the source of the Adept powers.

Icari Scatha ("scales of the wyrm"): There is a prophesy that one who masters the white dragon will create a Svaald Empire, with all the clans united as the scales of a great dragon.