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A large, swamp-dwelling caricature of a wolf with hooked claws, webbed feet, and reptilian legs and hindquarters. Its fur always appears sandy or matted with mud. Luros are spectacular swimmers and prefer to drown their prey in freezing water before tearing it to shreds.

Image Stats Special Abilities
Health: 8
Vigor: 0
Physical Defense: 4 (3 dodge, 1 armor)
Magical Defense: 2
Magic Resistance: 10d10
Attack: 12 (+1 AP)
 Rend: 1 target; 12d10 -> 2d10 bleed / 3 rounds
 Rake: 2 targets; 10d10 each
Initiative: +2
Speed: 10

Rank 1: Find Water

Rank 2: Improved Swim (11d10)

Rank 3: Fighting Style: Natural Weapons

Rank 3: Swamp Creature*

*Luros may Breathe Water (Rank 1); additionally they may Pass Without Trace (Rank 2) in Swamps or Marshes. 9d10.