Summon Mount

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Revision as of 17:14, 11 April 2020 by Rdant (talk | contribs)
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Required Valor Domain 1
Casting Verbal, Somatic
Cast Action Move Action
Cost Free
Effect When first cast, the caster chooses an appropriately thematic and Storyteller approved magical construct as their mount. This is a permanent choice. Every subsequent cast summons the construct from the Gauntlet to a point of the caster's choosing within Rank x 5 yards, as long as that point is within the line of sight of the caster, and there are no barriers of any kind between the caster and that point. This action is a Full Action. The mount may be mounted as part of this action if the caster summons the mount to an immediately adjacent location. The caster may dismiss the mount as a move action, and it will return to the Gauntlet. If the mount is killed, it returns to the gauntlet and may not be resummoned for 1 day.