Planar Link

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Revision as of 13:03, 22 August 2020 by Rdant (talk | contribs)
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Required Seed: Scry 4
Range Sight, Scry, Black Mirror
Area 1 Target
Duration 24 hours / 1 day
Casting Verbal, Somatic, Component
Cast Action Standard
Mana Cost 3
Push + Duration
Defense Magic Resistance
Effect As part of the casting, the caster inscribes their name and a target's name on parchment in their own blood. The caster must see the target during the inscription, (this may be achieved via Scrying). If the target fails a Magic Resistance roll, the ritual has the following effects:
  • The target may not perceive the caster for the duration of the spell through any means. This includes sight, sound, or magical perception. If the target interacts physically (but not aggressively) with the caster they perceive only a dark shadowy figure. These effects are only broken if the caster performs an aggressive action towards the target.
  • The caster gains a unique awareness of the target being able to sense the location and disposition of the target at all times. The target may not be concealed or hidden from the caster including with magic. While this spell is active the caster can Scry the target with no chance of failure.