Air Shaman

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Air Spirits are often called zephyrs and live on wind swept plains or high in the mountains. They embody both the brutal power of storms and the gentle breeze of spring. Their personalities are often mercurial and they can be unpredictable. They may be playful and energetic, but anger them at your peril as they make deadly foes. The wielders of air spirit magic tend towards agility and intelligence, solving problems with speed and wits over brute force. They are most often seen with ranged weapons.

Spirit Powers

With each rank, the shaman gains an Imbue Power as well as a spell, empowering her whenever the Air_Spirit is not manifested.

Rank 1

Imbue Power: At will the Imbued item glows brightly shedding light as a torch.

Once per day, as a Free Action, the imbued item can gain the Shock effect for 1 round.

  • Imbued Armor or Shield: If the wearer receives damage from a melee attack, even if that damage is negated by Ward, contact applies Shock to the attacking enemy. Utilizing the Fighting Style: One Hand & Shield skill Shield Block will also trigger this effect.
  • Imbued Weapon: If the wielder successfully lands an attack, even if that damage is negated by Ward, contact applies Shock to the targeted enemy.
Spell Description
Leap Get a boost to jumping and falling distance.
Breeze A gust of clean air dissipates fog / smoke
Wind Speed Caster gains speed bonuses for increased weather severity.

Rank 2

Imbue Power: Imbued item gains a +1 Enhancement bonus. This bonus improves to +2 at Rank 3, and +3 at Rank 5.

Spell Description
Fleeting Move swiftly through threatened spaces and ignore some speed penalties.
Guiding Wind Suffuse ranged or thrown weapons with an air spirit's power, ensuring high attack accuracy and returning them to the caster.
Control Weather Alter the weather influencing wind and precipitation.

Rank 3

Imbue Power: Imbued item now passively applies Shock.

Spell Description
Ride the Wind While active, the shaman may move vertically but must end their turn on solid ground.
Wind Wake While active, the shaman generates a wake behind them at will providing Light Cover.
Call Lightning Call down lightning bolts from existing storms.

Rank 4

Imbue Power: Once per round, when Shock is triggered, a shower of sparks splashes onto a maximum of Rank additional targets within a 3-yard radius of the initial target, applying Shock to them as well.

Spell Description
Wind Force The target's attacks unleash a powerful gust of wind, knocking targets backwards or prone.
Rising Charge Surrounds the shaman with crackling sparks based on movement that burst after a max distance.
Rapid Storm Cause major shifts in weather rapidly.

Rank 5

Imbue Power: When a shower of sparks is triggered, the sparks deal Rank damage to the additional targets as well as applying Shock. This damage is affected by Magic Defense, but may not be reduced below 1 die.

Spell Description
Wind Mount The caster's Manifested spirit can be mounted and fly.
Ride the Lightning Travel in a crackling bolt short distances surprising foes.
Tornado Conjure a localized tornado which touches down at chosen point.