Fire Sphere

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Elemental Energy. Fire, heat, destruction, ashes Elemental Fire ley line are in streamers, flowing with currents of heat, flaring around sources of fire.


Rank 1

Spell Description
Create Fire Create magical flame for light or to kindle mundane fires.
Fire Staff Ignite your staff to deal Lethal Fire damage.
Flame Lash Melee range magical attack.
Hearthfire Create a stationary fire for warmth or cooking that doesn't require a fuel that persists for long duration.
Influence Fire Increase the size, speed, or brightness of existing flames.
Infravision See heat signatures granting a bonus to perception.
Smoke Screen Create a thin field of smoke that obscures vision.

Rank 2

Spell Description
Blazing Speed Gain charges that can be consumed for a burst of speed.
Enchant Weapon Enhancement with Fire descriptor.
Fire Armor Deals magical fire damage to melee attackers or reduces Frost attacks.
Firebolt Ranged single target fire damage.
Flare Creates a bright flash of light blinding those seeing the flare.
Inner Fire Cause damage to self to regain mana, sapping your life heat for magical energy.
Weapon of Flame Conjures a flaming weapon wielded like a spell.

Rank 3

Spell Description
Fireball The classic ranged AoE fire blast.
Fire Gem Creates a sharable gem that can be thrown to explode in a small magical explosion.
Fire Rune A glowing red rune which when activated explodes in a deadly blast of fire.
Fire Walk Move actions while under this effect leave behind a trail of flame that causes fire damage to those who pass through it.
Immolate Single target fire attack causing a damage over time effect.
Pyrokinesis Use existing mundane flames to cause magical fire effects, including multiple single target attacks depending on the size/intensity of the blaze.
Resist Fire Reduce incoming fire damage.
Ring of Fire Creates a ring of fire around the caster burning any who move into melee distance.

Rank 4

Spell Description
Disintegrate Deadly single target spell that ignores most magical protections.
Fire Immunity Rank Fire immunity.
Flame Cage Creates a flaming cage around a single target that burns them if they move.
Leap of Flame Fire/Air spell that allows the caster to leap into the air with a blast of fire around him, fly a short distance and land with a second blast of flames.
Searing Blaze A massive area effect causing long duration low dice fire damage.
Wall of Fire Manifested barrier of fire harms those passing through it

Rank 5

Spell Description
Firestorm A massive storm of raging magical flames persists while the caster focuses.
Immolation Rune Superior version of Fire Rune, that causes a deadly damage over time effect on those in the area when triggered.
Magma Blast Launch a projectile of magma that bursts and splashes on impact, burning over time.
Meteor Swarm Several small radius high damage fire nukes to chosen targets within range.
Phoenix While this spell is active, if you are reduced to 0 or fewer Health (without dying), a fiery phoenix rises from your body dealing fire damage to nearby enemies and restoring you to 1 Health.
Undying Flames Kindle magical fires that cannot be extinguished and spread rapidly.