Dispel Magic

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Revision as of 14:50, 11 March 2024 by Kcollins (talk | contribs)
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Required Magical Disruption 1
Range Rank x 5 yards, Sight
Area One Enchantment
Duration Instant
Casting Verbal, Somatic
Cast Action Standard
Cost 1 Mana per Rank of the targeted Enchantment + 1
Effect The caster uses their highest casting roll (Casting stat + Casting Rank + Highest source) in an attempt to dispel the enchantment. This requires a number of successes equal to the Rank of the target enchantment +1. Bonuses that affect spellcasting (e.g. Focus bonus, Empowered Spellcasting) may be applied to this roll. If successful, the enchantment is destroyed. The caster's mana is spent regardless of whether the Dispel is successful or not. If the caster does not have enough mana to pay the Dispel cost, the attempt fails regardless of the number of successes achieved.