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These small, snail-like creatures with six to eight stubby legs are born with the unique ability to reach into their shells and access a dimensional pocket. Many Burbles take to the road and slowly travel from one place to another, picking up interesting things and adding them to their hoard as they go. Burbles tend to be friendly, and generally consider anyone not openly hostile to be a close acquaintance, if not a friend.

Compared to most Arcadians, Burbles do not live long - about the same lifespan as an average half-elf - so they do their best to live life to the fullest and make friends and memories wherever they can. Only a Burble can access another Burble’s dimensional pocket. As such, when they die their shells are left behind with a loved one, allowing the remnants of a life well-lived to be shared amongst those who were dear to them.

Image Stats Special Qualities
Health: 9
Vigor: 4
Physical Defense: 5 (1 dodge, 3 armor, 1 Size); 1 Damage Reduction
Magical Defense: 3; 2 Magical Damage Reduction
Magic Resistance: 9d10
Attack: 6 
Initiative: +2
Speed: 5
  • Small Size
  • Friendly, Rank 1*
  • Dimensional Pocket, rank 2**
  • Burble Bile, Rank 3***
  • Bolthole, Rank 3****

* Burbles gain +2 to positive social checks and -2 to confrontational checks due to their friendly demeanor.

** Each burble's shell contains Rank passive Dimensional Pockets that can be used to store and organize its belongings. Only a Burble can access another Burble’s Dimensional Pockets.

*** The Burble inhales, causing a watery burbling sound, and then spits out poisonous slime at its attackers in a cone that is 8 yd long, 5 yd wide. Creatures within the Target Area must succeed on a Physical Resistance Roll vs 10d10 poison or, on failure, take 1 lethal damage each round for the next 6 rounds.

**** As a Standard Action, the burble creates a small spatial Gate that can be traveled through immediately to a previously established location. The burble may dismiss the Gate as a Free Action, or choose to leave the gate open for up to Rank minutes before it naturally dissipates. Only Small- and Tiny-sized creatures (or smaller) can travel through this Gate. A burble may change the location of its established Bolthole once per week, after spending at least an hour getting a feel for the new location.