Storms Domain

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Domain Power:

Weather Control Initiate changes in the atmosphere to change the existing weather in the geographic region. The change possible is limited to Rank steps up or down in weather severity, and 1 step left or right in weather temperature according to the below chart. The temperature steps allowed increases to 2 steps at Rank 3, and 3 steps at Rank 5. See notes below the table
Severity, Temperature Frozen Cold Temperate Warm Hot
Calm Snowfall Snowfall Rain shower Rain shower Rain shower
Breeze Snowfall Sleet Rain shower Rain shower Rain shower
Light Wind Snowstorm Sleet Rainstorm Rainstorm Rainstorm
Moderate Wind Snowstorm Sleet Storm Rainstorm Rainstorm Thunderstorm
Windy Snowstorm Sleet Storm Hailstorm Thunderstorm Thunderstorm
High Winds Blizzard Blizzard Hailstorm Thunderstorm Thunderstorm
Dangerous Winds Icestorm Blizzard Severe Thunderstorm Severe Thunderstorm Severe Thunderstorm
Damaging Winds Icestorm Blizzard Severe Thunderstorm Severe Thunderstorm Severe Thunderstorm
Destructive Winds Arctic Storm Arctic Storm Hurricane, Tornadoes Hurricane, Tornadoes Hurricane, Tornadoes


  • The Storyteller will decide how widespread the effect is, and how fast it occurs, though typically the more severe the shift, the longer it will take.
  • The storms in the table below are a guideline of what type of weather would exist for that temperature and wind speed and while most of them include precipitation, the caster may choose precipitation or not which may change the condition away from what is indicated in the table at that severity and temperature.
Power of the Storm
Rank Power Description
1 Stormwalk Passive: Caster is immune to non-magical penalties from storm-related environmental effects. Ex. Movement/Perception penalties.
2 Stormforce Drawing on the power of regional weather conditions the caster gains a +1 (mild weather), +2 (moderate storm), +3 (intense storm) divine bonus to all skill checks (including spells and weapon skills).
3 Stormsurge Saps a local regional weather condition (reducing it by 1 step) to grant allies a surge of speed and initiative for Rank rounds.
5 Stormlord When cast during a severe storm the caster begins levitating upwards and is surrounded by a corona of lightning or frost. For the duration of the spell the caster gains Flight and followers of Khitar gain Elemental Body (Shock) while followers of Nimway gain Elemental Body (Frost). Both effects deal Rank x 2 damage. Once per round the caster may fire a Spark spell (Khitar) or Frostbolt (Nimway) for 2 x Rank dice at a single target as a Fast Action.

Rank Power Description
2 Blinding Storm An existing storm with precipitation intensifies and sweeps over a target area causing penalties to movement and perception to enemies.
3 Call Lightning Calls down thunderous bolts of natural lightning from existing storms.
5 Storm of the Ancients A cataclysmic storm centered on the caster with a "safe area" around the caster and his allies. The type and nature of the storm is dependent on the environment. This storm deals tremendous damage but is nearly uncontrollable.

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Rank Power Description