Planar Possession

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  • Requires Template Sorcerer, Rank 3 Seed: Compel, Rank 3 Seed: Animate Dead

This benefit adds an additional spell to Seed: Compel that combines the effects of sorcerous compulsion and animate dead magic to summon a spirit to possess an unwilling host in pursuit of it's masters goal. All rolls with this spell use the Seed: Compel rank for the roll.

Area: 1 Target
Range: 10 Yards x Rank
Duration: 1 Hour
Casting: Verbal
Casting Time: Full Action
Roll: Resistance
Effect: This spell summons a planar spirit capable of possessing an unwilling host, temporarily displacing the host’s own spirit. The caster must have line of sight to his target. If the target fails to resist they are possessed by the spirit. During the casting of the spell the spirit receives the task the caster wants performed. This task must be described in a single sentence. Once the instruction is received, the caster does not have any further control or influence over the spirit, and the the spirit will find the best way they know how to accomplish the effect desired using the inhabited body for the duration of the spell. The spirit has access to the body and spells or adept abilities, but not personality or historical knowledge. The host will act as if drugged, singlemindedly pursuing their goal, driven by the inhabiting spirit.

If the host body is destroyed or unable to accomplish the task prior to the expiration of the spell, the spirit may attempt to possess another nearby body as a Full Round action. The spirit rolls the same dice as the initial casting roll, and may do one such attempt. If both Seed: Compel and Seed: Animate Dead are Rank 5, the spirit may make two such attempts and duration extends to 24 hours.

A target who has been possessed suffers from a brief stupor, as they adjust to being returned to their body. They have no memory of actions that occurred during the possession, and have a -2 Penalty to all Skill rolls for 10 minutes.

Push: +1 Duration