High Elf

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Revision as of 16:10, 20 October 2017 by Adant (talk | contribs)
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Elf wizard.jpg

High Elves have pale skin and light hair colors ranging from blonde to nearly burnished metallic silver/gold. They have very long upswept ears, and narrow slender bodies. They are the most magically gifted of the elven peoples.

Racial Modifiers

  • Favored Source: Magecraft, Channelling
  • Favored Stat: Intelligence
  • +8 Speed
  • +5 Health
  • +7 Resistance
  • +2 Base Channelling, Sorcery, or Magecraft Skill
  • +1 Base Knowledge: Magic
  • Improved Background 1





Region & Society

Regions in which the race is found, including regions they have divergent behaviors or statistics.



Recommended Name Generator: http://www.rdinn.com/generators/2/elven_name_generator.php

High Elves tend to have long, difficult to pronounce surnames, with Sylvari first names.

Male Names

Female Names


While most equipment in the Player Guide is available, many races have a particular affinity for equipment, or materials of a certain type such as particular arms & armor.

Magic & Lore