Dreams Domain

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Waking Dreams - Illusions, alter reality

Dream Walker - Influence people while they sleep

Nightmares - Fear/deadly effects that linger.

Domain Power: Phantasmal Sleeper When you fall asleep, you may choose to have your body fall asleep and separate your spirit from your body as a ghostly phantasm that remains awake. Your phantasm retains your physical senses, and may move at your normal speed within Rank x10 yards of your body. Your phantasm may also use any domain power that affects other targets which are already asleep, or are self only and sensory in nature (Sight, sense, hearing, etc), using it's normal rules. For any abilities used, use the phantasms location for the casters location. Return your phantasm to the same location as your body to wake up normally.

At Rank 3, your phantasm may become magically concealed at Rank strength as a standard action. This concealment may be pierced with detection spells greater than Rank.


  • Your phantasm may return to your body as a standard action from any distance, waking yourself up suddenly, leaving you flatfooted from the shock but able to speak and move.
  • You may enter a sleep state at will, at any time, under any condition.
  • You may retain your body form while sleeping, allowing you to sleep while sitting, standing, crouching, etc... Sleeping while riding in or on a moving object is possible, but may be at penalties, chance of waking up, or chance at falling as determined by the Storyteller.

Notes for all powers in this domain:

  • Unless otherwise specified, targets must be within Rank x10 yards of the caster
  • Unless otherwise specified, targets must be either be visually seen by the caster (line of sight may not be broken), or the caster must have a means of contacting the target's mind. This includes options from other Sources, such as Seed: Contact and Magecraft: Telepathy
  • Unless otherwise specified there is no difference between naturally asleep, magically asleep, or unconscious from any method, in regard to whether or not a target is asleep or not.
Waking Dreams
Rank Power Description
1 Figment On a successful opposed roll vs the target's magic resistance, the caster may choose one person/object in the target’s surrounding and alter how the target perceives it. The change may be visual, audible, or smellable, and may be something which would otherwise be unbelievable. The change is visible only to the target. Duration Rank x2 rounds.
2 Confusion On a successful opposed roll vs the target's magic resistance, the caster chooses one sense to confound. The sense chosen is impaired with overload or incorrect and non-understandable input.
  • Vision may be come doubled, blurred, depth perception warped, etc...
  • Hearing may be deafening, background white noise that makes it hard to concentrate, or appearing to be changing the source of noises, etc...
  • Touch may become temperature overload either hot or cold, fingers numb or 'asleep', overwhelming itches.
  • Smell may be overwhelmed with intense smells, itching, burning, etc...
  • Taste may become overwhelmed with spice, sourness, spoiled or burnt food taste, etc...

As this affects the mind of the target and not the body, this effect does not affect the physical nature of the target and would not be detectable or cleanseable by most normal Life magic. Lasts for Rank rounds

3 Mirage Caster creates a detailed illusion with sound, smells, and some autonomy to Rank targets within Rank yards of each other. The mirage should always be just out of reach of the targets, and any attempt at interaction will move the mirage just far enough to prevent it. Lasts for Rank minutes or until dismissed.
4 Warped Senses As confusion, but Rank -1 senses are affected.
5 Delusion On a successful opposed roll vs Magic Resistance, the target is completely immersed in the imaginary world the caster has created. They can react to what they see and hear in the delusion, and intrusions of the real world upon the imaginary one become like figments or illusions. If the caster decides to maintain concentration after casting, they may integrate the real world continuously, twisting it to suite their desires. Lasts for Rank rounds, or concentration plus Rank rounds to a maximum of Rank x2.

For example: If the target is attacked while in the delusion, if the caster is maintaining concentration they may alter the target's perception of the attacker, how it's dealing damage, etc... If they choose not to maintain concentration, then an attacker would deal real damage, but it would seem fake or imaginary.

Dream Walker
Rank Power Description
1 Dream Scout On a successful opposed roll vs a sleeping target's Magic Resistance, allows caster to enter the target’s dreams and effect minor changes to the dreamscape to call up specific memories/information the target has. I.e. they may nudge the dream into a scenario that would encourage the target’s dream self to access it. How accurate/detailed the information gained is determined by number of successes.
2 Lullaby On an opposed roll vs a target within Rank x10 yards, the target is put to sleep. The sleep is a very deep sleep and it is difficult to wake the target though noise or touch. Any damage received wakes the target.
3 Dream Walker As per Dream Scout, however the caster can now directly influence the target’s dream to impart a compulsion. This compulsion
4 Sweet Dreams As Lullaby, but may target up to Rank targets.
5 Dream Weaver Caster has complete control of a sleeping target’s dreams and can set a geas-like compulsion to perform an action of the caster’s choice.
Rank Power Description
1 Nameless Dread The target’s subconscious drags up a primal fear. Even in the most pleasant of surroundings, they will be uneasy and anxious, jumping at shadows, convinced they saw something out of the corner of their eye. Target is shaken.
2 Spectre
3 Night Terrors On a successfull opposed roll, the target will perceive living beings as monstrous things from their nightmares. Target takes lethal damage and a fear step is applied. The target may take action against what they think they see.
4 Bogeyman Slipping into shadows, the caster becomes that thing hiding under your bed, waiting to jump out and grab you. The caster gains magical concealment using the casting roll as long as they do not move or act. Upon acting to break the concealment, the caster gains +Rank speed for Rank rounds and may choose one target within a single move action range to be flatfooted.
5 Phantasmagoria On a successful opposed roll, the target’s worst fears and most horrific nightmares come to life in a terrifying shadowplay. Any action or movement the target makes to look elsewhere, move to avoid it, or attack it applies 1 fear step, and it adjusts in the most terrifying way available to remain in the center of the target's vision. If the target does not act at all, and stares at it through the end of the duration, the caster may roll a Slay against the target upon the expiration of the effect. Lasts for Rank rounds.