Summon Outsider

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Required Seed: Summon 2
Range Self
Area Self
Duration 24 hours
Casting Verbal, Somatic
Cast Action Special
Mana Cost 1
Push +1 Rank (2 Pushes) (+2 to Outsider’s roll per push), +1 Dice, +1 Duration
Effect The caster may perform a 10-minute ritual to summon and bind a chosen Outsider to their will - each Rank of Summon obtained allows the caster to learn to call upon one specific Outsider type. The actual summoning requires an opposed roll vs. the Outsider’s Rank x 2. If the caster fails, the summoned Outsider may choose to return to its native plane or freely attempt to harm the summoner.

A successfully bound Outsider may be dismissed or manifested at will for the spell's duration as a Fast Action, but the Outsider may not act until the following round as they need time to adjust to their surroundings. As the spell comes to an end, the Outsider is drawn back to its own realm.

A maximum of Rank Outsiders may be bound at one time.