Avatar Domain

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Domain Power: Avatar Form - As a standard action, caster becomes a gleaming armored figure infused with their patron's power granting the effects of the purchased lines for 1 Hour. Upon activating this power your character gains conjured armor and a weapon of choice for the duration of the transformation. Activating this power costs Rank +1. Avatar may not be selected by characters with other Templates.

Holy* Arms
Rank Power Description
1 Holy Vigor Grants +Rank Enhancement bonus to a physical statistic. The chosen statistic must be chosen when Avatar is taken and cannot be changed.
2 Holy Aura Grants +Rank Magic Resist.
3 Holy Weapon Conjured weapon gains +Rank Enhancement bonus and the Light descriptor. If the chosen weapon is ranged, the projectiles are constructs of light and do not require additional ammunition.
4 Holy Armor Conjured armor gains +Rank Enhancement bonus.
5 Holy Strike The next attack with Holy Weapon gains +Rank divine bonus, 9-again, and the Holy descriptor. (Mortal damage against Evil Outsiders) This attack may only be used once per transformation. 1 Story Point.
  • If taking this Domain for Irrilandrilla replace “Holy” with “Unholy”.
Angelic* Servant
Rank Power Description
2 Angelic Initiative While in Avatar form, the caster gains +2 bonus to Initiative.
3 Angelic Swiftness Grants Rank -2 charges of Evasion to the caster during Avatar transformation. Using one of these charges allows up to Rank in Dodge to apply against a single Aimed spell.
4 Angelic Speed While in Avatar form, the caster gains +10 bonus to speed.
5 Angelic Flight While in Avatar form, the caster gains a flight speed equal to their ground speed +Rank.
  • If taking this Domain for Irrilandrilla replace “Angelic” with “Dark”.