Protector Animal Spirit

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Revision as of 19:51, 6 April 2020 by Kcollins (talk | contribs)
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Protectors are most often sturdy, lumbering beasts whose primary purpose is to guard their shaman's life. Solid and defensible, they can take multiple hits and keep coming back. Examples: Bear, Boar, Horse, Rhinoceros

Special Ability

Interpose: As a Readied Action, if the Resolute Spirit's shaman would take damage from an aimed attack, the spirit may move adjacent to the shaman and take up to Rank damage instead. The attack is rolled against the original target's defense, but the spirit may apply any of its relevant damage reduction to the successes. At rank 1, this may be used once per encounter. At rank 3, this increases to twice, and at rank 5 it may be used three times per encounter.

Rank 1

Health: 6
Vigor: 2
Physical Defense: 2 (1 dodge, 1 armor)
Magical Defense: 1 Magic Resistance: 7
Attack:  4
Initiative: +0
Speed: 7

Rank 2

Health: 8
Vigor: 4
Physical Defense: 4 (1 dodge, 3 armor); 1 Damage Reduction
Magical Defense: 1
Magic Resistance: 7
Attack: 5
Initiative: +0
Speed: 7

Rank 3

Health: 10
Vigor: 6
Physical Defense: 6 (1 dodge, 5 armor); 2 Damage Reduction
Magical Defense: 2; 1 Magical Damage Reduction
Magic Resistance: 7
Attack:  6
Initiative: +0
Speed: 9

Rank 4

Health: 12
Vigor: 8
Physical Defense: 7 (1 dodge, 6 armor); 3 Damage Reduction
Magical Defense: 2; 2 Magical Damage Reduction
Magic Resistance: 7
Attack: 9
Initiative: +0
Speed: 9

Rank 5

Health: 17
Vigor: 10
Physical Defense: 8 (1 dodge, 7 armor); 3 Damage Reduction
Magical Defense: 4; 3 Magical Damage Reduction
Magic Resistance: 7
Attack: 13
Initiative: +0
Speed: 9

Rank 6

Health: 21
Vigor: 12
Physical Defense: 13 (3 dodge, 7 armor, 3 ascension); 3 Damage Reduction
Magical Defense: 10; 3 Magical Damage Reduction
Magic Resistance: 13
Attack: 19
Initiative: +0
Speed: 15