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The Elari are an ageless, androgynous demonic race with glowing red eyes and bone-white skin covered with arcane tattoos. Elari are taller than human height, averaging over 6' tall, but tend to be thinner, with their naturally white hair often dyed black or other vivid colors. A pointy-toothed smile and small bony protrusions on face and arms are a dead giveaway that you're looking at one of the Elari.

Racial Modifiers

  • Favored Source: Sorcery, Shamanism*
  • +8 Speed
  • +5 Health
  • +7 Resistance
  • Natural Weapons (arm blades 2d10 may count as 1H Piercing or Natural Weapons)
  • Weapon Training: +1 Base Piercing OR +1 Natural Weapons
  • +2 Base Knowledge: Planar
  • -1 to all Charisma skill rolls against non-Elari except Intimidate which gains +1 instead. Elari gain no bonuses or penalties when using Social skills against Elari.
  • Rank 1 Sorcery Seed (Regardless of selected Source, Elari gain a Rank 1 Sorcery Seed. If the Elari does not have the Sorcery Source this may not be raised through GXP)
  • Shamanism Source: First Spirit must be a Ghost


Elari have no sense of morality whatsoever. They are driven by an insatiable desire for personal power above all else and, unlike every other immortal race on Lorithandar, they are willing to take high risk gambles to achieve it.

Unlike the Faerie whose memories overwrite themselves, making them forgetful and eventually insane, the Elari enter a form of hibernation - a decades long sleep - at older ages to reset their memories.


They are uniquely disdainful of every other race and hate the idea of being subservient to anyone or anything, including gods.


The Elari abhor the concept of following a god, for this would be to willingly subjugate oneself to another being, something anathema to them.

Once, long ago, they were ruled by gods, ancient beings of great power, rulers of Arcadia or Pandemonium. The Elari rose up against their gods and overthrew them, consuming their flesh and, in so doing, their power.

Those Elari who consumed their gods became Ascendants and were given the honorific “Tay”, which means “Blessed by the Dark.” Many of the Tay serve upon the Elari Council, but they are not considered gods.


Region & Society


The Elari are known to speak a mix of Pandemonian and Seelie, planar languages which often inspire fear or discomfort in the average citizen of Lorithandar. For the most part their speech is formed of long, garbled words spoken in a low register and often broken by hard consonants or abrupt stops. Some Elari incorporate more of the growling, gnashing verbage common to Pandemonian into their speech. Many consider the language to sound particularly sinister.


  • Male Names:
  • Female Names:


While most equipment in the Player Guide is available, many races have a particular affinity for equipment, or materials of a certain type such as particular arms & armor.

Magic & Lore