Valor Domain

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Domain Power: Beacon of Courage - When the caster successfully lands an attack or shield block, they gain a Valor Charge. Up to Rank charges may be held at a time, and last for 1 hour. A Valor charge may be expended as a Fast Action to:

  • Grant a +Rank morale bonus to an ally skill roll (including combat rolls).
  • Grant a +Rank morale bonus to resist Fear effects.
  • Grant an ally who has failed a fear or intimidate check a re-roll to resist the effect.

An ally may only be affected by each of these abilities once per encounter.

Glorious Leadership
Rank Power Description
1 Mantle of Leadership An aura of power and self assurance surrounds the caster, marking them clearly as a ‘leader’.
2 Delegate Task Caster may seize upon an opportunity to direct his party to action.
3 Hold the Line With a divine shout, the caster lends his allies courage to hold their positions.
4 Rousing Heroism With an inspiring cry, the caster galvanizes his allies to act swiftly.
5 Aura of Glory Caster becomes an overwhelming beacon of strength and leadership inspiring awe in those that see them.

Shield of the Innocent
Rank Power Description
1 Determine Intent The caster is trained to determine the intent of the person they are interacting with. +2 divine bonus to Sense Motive, this bonus increases to +4 if the target wishes harm on another.
2 Bonded Charge The channeller creates a link between themselves and one ally within 5 yards x Rank, taking up to Rank damage that would be dealt to the ally instead. The attack is rolled against the original target’s defense, but the caster may apply any relevant damage reduction to the transferred damage.

The link lasts Rank minutes, but if the caster exceeds the range of the spell from the bonded target it is broken. Only one bond may be maintained at a time. 1 Mana.

3 Valorous Defense Caster is filled with divine power to act swiftly in defense of an ally. If movement would end with the caster adjacent to an ally, they gain Rank bonus to Speed and ignore speed reduction when traveling through threatened spaces. When reaching their ally, the caster may switch positions with the target (e.g. interposing themselves in between the target and an enemy). Allies protected in this way gain light cover for one round. If the ally protected is bonded to the caster, they additionally gain +2 Vigor. This is a Move Action. 2 Mana
5 Last Stand If an attack would reduce the caster to 0 or lower HP, they re-actively gain +Rank HP, ignore any fatigue, or wound penalties for 10 minutes. Additionally they gain 3 Valor charges, and a bonus Standard action on their next turn. After the 10 minutes have expired, the caster immediately loses Rank HP.

Knight of Valor
Rank Power Description