Valor Domain

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Domain Power: Beacon of Courage - When the caster successfully lands an attack or shield block, they gain a Valor Charge. Up to Rank charges may be held at a time, and last for 1 hour. A Valor charge may be expended as a Fast Action to:

  • Grant a +Rank morale bonus to an ally skill roll (including combat rolls).
  • Grant a +Rank morale bonus to resist Fear effects.
  • Grant an ally who has failed a fear or intimidate check a re-roll to resist the effect.

An ally may only be affected by each of these abilities once per encounter.

Glorious Leadership
Rank Power Description
1 Mantle of Leadership An aura of power and self assurance surrounds the caster, marking them clearly as a ‘leader’.
2 Delegate Task Caster may seize upon an opportunity to direct his party to action.
3 Hold the Line With a divine shout, the caster lends his allies courage to hold their positions.
4 Rousing Heroism With an inspiring cry, the caster galvanizes his allies to act swiftly.
5 Aura of Glory Caster becomes an overwhelming beacon of strength and leadership, inspiring awe in those who see him.

Shield of the Innocent
Rank Power Description
1 Determine Intent The channeler gains divine insight in the face of ill intentions.
2 Protector's Bond The channeler makes a solemn vow to defend one of his allies.
3 Valorous Defense Filled with divine power, the caster acts swiftly in defense of an ally. He moves to take the place of a nearby ally, even at his own expense.
4 Bolster Courage Each time the channeler expends a Valor Charge, their bonded ally also gains its benefit.
5 Last Stand The channeler experiences an invigorating surge of power from his god, enabling him to continue fighting beyond mortal limitations.

Knight of Valor
Rank Power Description
1 Summon Mount The caster may summon a divine mount.
2 Mounted Training Both the caster and their mount are trained for battle.
3 Vanguard
4 Valiant Charge
5 Divine Lance