Winter Freeze

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Revision as of 03:03, 10 May 2020 by Kcollins (talk | contribs)
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Required Water Shaman 2
Range Centered on Caster or Manifested Water Spirit
Area Rank yard radius
Duration 1 hour
Casting Verbal, Somatic
Cast Action Standard
Mana Cost 1
Effect This aura of biting cold aura freezes air and liquid around the shaman or their manifested Water Spirit. Enemies who end their turn within the aura gain one application of Frost. Additionally, free liquid within range is frozen solid (including flowing rivers or tossing surf) and is able to support the weight of any creature of the same size as the caster. While this spell is active, the shaman is immune to movement penalties from snow or ice, however, for any other creature the ice is considered Difficult Terrain and they suffer double movement cost when traversing it. Shaman and Spirit may not both have Winter Freeze active at the same time.