Ritual Exorcism

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Required Green Dragon Shaman 4
Range Centered on Caster
Area Rank x 10 yards long, Rank x 10 yards wide
Duration Special
Casting Verbal, Somatic, Component (50g of supplies)
Cast Action 1 hour ritual
Mana Cost 3
Effect In an hour-long ritual (v/s/c), the shaman lays down protections on a chosen area. Any spirit attempting to manifest within this space must first succeed on an opposed roll (Casting Stat + Shamanism skill + Spirit Rank) vs Magic Resistance. If the spirit’s Resistance roll is overcome by 5 or more successes, the spirit is destroyed. If the spell fails, then damage equal to the number of successes rolled is dealt to the target. This damage ignores Magical Defense.

This spell remains active for Rank days, however, each time the ritual is repeated, its power builds. Three consecutive days of ritual completion will extend its duration to Rank weeks. Five consecutive days will extend the duration to Rank months; 7 consecutive days will extend the duration to 1 year. Reroll the Casting roll each time, and keep the highest number of successes.