Seed: Banish

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Revision as of 15:49, 11 February 2015 by Adant (talk | contribs)
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Rank 1 - Magic Circle

Sanctuary like circle that prevents attack (with an opposed roll using Summon rules) from spirits, undead, and outsiders. If you attack or take other violent action the circle is broken.

Rank 2 - Disperse

Deals substantial damage to spirit, undead, or outsider that ignores magic armor.

Rank 3 - Banish

Attempts to dispel spirit, undead, or outsider forcing them back to their home plane. This destroys animated undead, and un-manifests spirits and outsiders.

Rank 4 - Mass Banish

Attempts to dispel a large number of spirits, undead, or outsiders as per Banish. If this fails the targets take damage instead.

Rank 5 - Planar Lock

Creates a large area that prevents planar travel including Manifest from summoned outsiders or spirits, teleportation, or other forms of planar travel. This field does not expel forms who are already Manifested, and will prevent them from entering the Gauntlet or being released. The field will not interfere with non-travel planar powers such as Seed: Energy.