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Revenants are disembodied planar spirits who can possess dead flesh animating them with dark purpose. Revenants have no love for the living, and enjoy nothing more than feeding on living flesh. Revenants are most often constructed by use of Sorcery. Because the magic which binds them to the flesh is controlled by their necromantic masters they must obey unfailingly. Their eyes glow with a colored light indicating the planar realm powering the corpse. Green for Stygia, Red for Pandemonium, Blue for Arcadia, and Gold for Aaru.

Template Bonuses

  • Immune to death magic, mind-controlling effects, poison, disease, and non-lethal damage.
  • Double Health from Trait Points
  • Destroyed if reduced to 0 Health
  • Mortal damage from Fire
  • Base Speed 5
  • +1 Health, +1 Attack for each Size category above Medium.

Rank 1 - Zombie

These shambling forms are slow and weak, but resilient to most forms of damage.

Health: 8
Physical Defense: 2 (2 dodge)
Magical Defense: 0
Magic Resistance: 7d10
Attack: 2 (Claws)
Speed: 7 (May not charge)
Initiative: +0
Special Qualities: Wear Armor - Zombies may be equipped with armor granting them a +1 Defense however they are not skilled enough to wield weapons.

Rank 2 - Skeleton

These bony monstrosities retain something of their mortal skill, and are capable of wielding various weapons, shields, and armor.

Health: 4
Physical Defense: 2 (2 dodge)
Magical Defense: 0
Magic Resistance: 7d10
Attack: 4 (Claws)
Speed: 11
Initiative: +1
Special Qualities: Wear Armor - Zombies may be equipped with armor granting them a +1 Defense however they are not skilled enough to wield weapons.

Wield Weapons - Skeleton Warriors may wield weapons gaining a +1 Attack (1H melee), or +2 Attack (2H melee), or converting their base attack to ranged (2H bow).