Wraith Form

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Revision as of 12:59, 23 January 2023 by Adant (talk | contribs) (Adant moved page Ghost Form to Wraith Form)
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Required Ghost Shaman 5
Range Self
Area Self
Duration 1 Hour
Casting Verbal, Somatic
Cast Action Standard
Mana Cost 4
Effect Transform the caster into a ghostly wraith. While in Ghost Form, the caster gains the following bonuses:
  • Immune to death magic, poison, disease, and non-lethal damage.
  • Resistant to physical damage (Reduce incoming physical damage by Rank) within a Stygian Nexus or Hallow
  • Destroyed if reduced to 0 health
  • Mortal Damage from Healing Magic
  • Base Speed is 8
  • May use Shroud as a Standard Action for 0 Mana at will.