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Bumblebeans are tiny, fragile creatures that are native to Arcadia. Flocks of bumblebeans have been cultivated by faerie over millennia for their amazingly fine and soft fur, which is considered to be a luxury. If properly cared for and protected in an area with high amounts of ambient magic, bumblebeans can live to be centuries old.

The average bumblebean is capable of flight, but their voluminous coat means that they are not particularly aerodynamic. They tend to putz around drunkenly in the sky, and have been known to float around on high air currents before suddenly dropping into freefall as a method of increasing their movement speed or to avoid predators.

Image Stats Special Qualities
Health: 3
Vigor: 2
Physical Defense: 4 (2 dodge, 2 Size)
Magical Defense: 1
Resistance: 9
Attack: 1d10
Initiative: +1
Speed: 8 (Flight), 4 (Land)
  • Tiny Size
  • Flight

*May be cast as a Free Action, and is applied to an additional target in contact with it when activated.