Ritual Rune

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Required Earth Shaman 4
Range Touch
Area 1 Object
Duration Permanent
Casting Verbal, Somatic, Material (Attuned Object)
Action 10 Minute Ritual within an Attuned region
Cost 3 Mana

While within the boundaries of an Attuned region, the shaman completes a ritual to inscribe a personally significant Rune on something that originated there, such as a stone or branch. The caster may only have 2 active Runes inscribed at the same time. At Rank 5, this increases to 3. The magic in a Ritual Rune does not expire until it is used or the creator dies.

When activated outside of an Attuned region, the power imbued in the Rune effectively converts its immediate surroundings (Rank x 10 yards, based upon Rank at Casting) into Attuned land for up to 1 hour. The activated Rune temporarily empowers allies, providing a +2 bonus to spellcasting and resistance rolls for 1 hour. Only the casting shaman or her manifested spirit may activate the inscribed Rune using a chosen command word.

Additionally, a Rune that has not been activated may instead be destroyed as a Full Round action to immediately transport the shaman and up to Rank additional targets within Rank x 5 yards to the location at which it was Attuned as per Attunement: Recall. At Rank 5, the caster may Recall to the location of another inscribed Rune as though it were an Attuned region.