Conjure Claw
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Required | Seed: Conjure 2 |
Range | 5 yards x Rank |
Area | 1 Yard wide claw that can move up to 5 yards |
Duration | Instant |
Casting | Verbal, Somatic |
Cast Action | Standard |
Cost | 1 Mana |
Push | +1 yard to distance the claw can move per push |
Defense | Physical, Magic Resistance |
Effect | The caster conjures planar material into the shape of a hand approximately 1 yard wide that claws across the ground 5 yards in any direction from its point of origin. Enemies struck by the claw take Willpower + Sorcery + Seed: Conjure lethal physical damage (vs. target's physical defense) If the conjured material is stone, the roll gains +1 Armor Piercing. If the material is metal, the roll gains +2 Armor Piercing. A target struck by the claw must succeed against a Magic Resistance roll or be pushed by the claw ending their turn where the claw ends. When the claw reaches its maximum distance it collapses into dust. Flying targets may not be struck with Conjured Claw. |